Bingjie Qian, Tat Koon Koh, and Michael X. Zhang. “From Anonymity to Accountability: How Virtual Identity Disclosure Changes the Quantity and Quality of “Likes”,” Information Systems Research, Forthcoming.
Tat Koon Koh. ““Optimal” Feedback Use in Crowdsourcing Contests: Source Effect and Priming Intervention,” Organization Science, Forthcoming.
Yongsuk Kim and Tat Koon Koh. “Crowdfunding From Friends: Tie Strength and Embeddedness,” Decision Support Systems, 2023, 168: 113931.
Tat Koon Koh and Muller Y. M. Cheung. “Seeker Exemplars and Quantitative Ideation Outcomes in Crowdsourcing Contests,” Information Systems Research, 2022, 33(1):265-284.
Tat Koon Koh. “Adopting Seekers’ Solution Exemplars in Ideation Contests: Antecedents and Consequences,” Information Systems Research, 2019, 30(2): 486-506.
Tat Koon Koh and Mark Fichman. “Multi-Homing Users’ Preferences for Two-Sided Exchange Networks,” MIS Quarterly, 2014, 38(4): 977-996.
Kenneth Goh, David Krackhardt, and Laurie Weingart, and Tat Koon Koh. “The Role of Simmelian Friendship Ties on Retaliation within Triads,” Small Group Research, 2014, 45(5): 471-505.
Tat Koon Koh, Mark Fichman and Robert E. Kraut. “Trust across Borders: Buyer-Supplier Trust in Global Business-to-Business E-Commerce,” Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 2012, 13(11): 886-922.
Thompson S. H. Teo and Tat Koon Koh. “Lessons from Multi-Agency Information Management Projects: Case of the Online Business Licensing Service (OBLS) Project, Singapore,” International Journal of Information Management, 2010, 30(1): 75-83.